Monthly Archives

December 2020

2021 Caudill Class

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Huckabee is excited to celebrate with our partners, Georgetown ISD and Northwest ISD, in receiving the highest honor for educational design in Texas – the Caudill Award! The TASA/TASB Exhibit of School Architecture competition showcases new and renovated Texas schools and celebrates excellence in planning and design of the learning environment. We are thrilled to have two Caudill award-winning projects in each of the past two years. It is in large part to our partnership with visionary districts who continue to influence school design and pursue the best environments for their students. Read more about the 2020-21 Caudill Award winners by clicking here.

The winning projects received at least four stars from six areas of distinction, making them eligible for the Caudill Award, which is named after Texas architect William Wayne Caudill (1914–1983), whose progressive concepts continue to influence school design.

Georgetown ISD won for the retrofitting of Tippit Middle School. This is the second Caudill Award for Georgetown ISD (Hammerlun Center for Leadership and Learning) and its third project to receive consideration (Wagner Middle School). Click here to learn more about the project. Northwest ISD won for the reimagining of its elementary prototype, Lance Thompson Elementary School. Click here to learn more about the project. 

Power Supers Blog

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Superintendents have innumerable superpowers—mentoring and guiding aspirational leaders is one many of them share. Huckabee is excited to launch a new blog, Power Supers, that focuses on stories of fortitude, growth and inspiration. Dr. Jim Vaszauskas, a life-long educator and administrator, is helping us “travel” the state to visit with educational leaders and share their stories in hopes of uplifting others.

The first stories in the series feature Dr. Brad Lancaster, former superintendent of Lake Travis ISD, who shares about the importance of relationship building; and Dr. Marc Smith, whose focus on simplification and anticipation has helped him realize success as superintendent of Duncanville ISD. To read these, and follow along as new stories are posted, visit the blog at