Huckabee celebrated groundbreaking ceremonies with Kaufman, Pflugerville and Whitney ISDs. Each event marked the culmination of an extensive planning and design process to bring state-of-the-art academic and athletic facilities to local students.
Kaufman ISD broke ground on their high school addition and renovation project. It’s part of a district-wide effort to address aging campuses and provide new, technology-rich instructional space for a growing student population. The design will create a unified campus, connecting disjointed buildings into a singular facility that brings academics, fine arts and athletics together. New technologies will be utilized to encourage innovation in learning and interior classroom windows help create a learning-on-display environment. The campus will be complete in 2017.
In Pflugerville ISD, school board members broke ground on a new elementary school and new district stadium. Timmerman Elementary School will replace the district’s oldest campus, providing students with a modern facility that features sustainable elements, offers flexibility in learning spaces and supports future growth. The new stadium seats 10,000 spectators and will serve multiple district high schools. Both projects are part of a $287 million bond program. Huckabee partnered with the district to develop a comprehensive plan for the bond. The new facilities are slated to open for the 2016-17 school year.
Huckabee joined Whitney ISD for the groundbreaking ceremony for their new athletic complex. The $11 million project was approved by voters in May and is the second phase of a master planning process that Huckabee helped the district develop (in 2012, WISD passed a $24.6 million bond for a new middle school and district renovations). The athletic complex will include a new competition stadium, new baseball and softball fields and four new tennis courts. The projects will be complete in time for the 2016-17 school year.